
Procurement Information

Based on the "Corporate Philosophy" and the "YOKOGAWA Group Code of Conduct," YOKOGAWA conducts procurement activities that include compliance with laws and regulations and consideration for human rights and the environment. Yokogawa has embedded CSR into its procurement activities to advance these practices in its supply chain.

  • Expectations for Suppliers

    We have released a request to our suppliers to ensure a sustainable society. Please refer to "Sustainable Procurement Guidelines" for more information.

  • Helpline

    Yokogawa has established a helpline for the general public and all stakeholders, including stakeholders in our supply chains.
    The helpline accepts reports and consultations regarding violations or potential violations of laws, regulations, human rights, the Yokogawa Philosophy, the Yokogawa Group Code of Conduct, the Procurement Basic Policy, transaction contracts, or other matters by anyone related to the Yokogawa Group.
    The helpline also accepts reports and consultations in connection with the violation or potential violation of human rights in supply chains.

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